Thursday, July 19, 2007

Glad, I guess, to report that taking care of my new record of uke instrumentals, UKEBOX, and its new friends, really has my hands full. Who's have thought they'd be so hard to mail to Canada?

After a US judge threw out Valerie Plame's civil suit today, and after Hillary Clinton took a torpedo to the bow for her position on the war giving supposed aid and comfort to the enemy (huh?), I was ready for a heartfelt dressing down of our commander in cheat from the eloquent sportsman himself, Keith Olbermann. This seven minutes and change is one of KO's most incisive and persuasive editorials, and if you truly, deeply, madly resent the gray-haired college republican who holds the highest office in our beautiful land, your heart will find Keith's dear john letter to the preznit cathartic and satisfying.

If you think GWB is getting a tough break, you might rather just listen to Connie Francis singing a German lyric for "Where The Boys Are." I like it, too.

Special Comment for July 19, 2007 episode of MSNBC's "Countdown" - Keith Olbermann
Keefo Berman
Nothing sung by Gigli ever satisfied my soul quite like Keith's aria tonight.

Wenn Ich Traume - Connie Francis
Sang so unser Connie.

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